Health 03/14/2025 14:15 Research projects LIT scientists receive grant for research projects focused on generating T stem cell memory (TSCM) cells
Earth & Life 03/14/2025 13:32 Research results Tool identifies specific viruses to combat dangerous bacteria
Technology 03/14/2025 12:38 Research results, Scientific Publications Spin excitations in olympicene-based antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg chains
Technology 03/04/2025 11:50 Explanation or Presentation Video KI-Offensive für Deutschland und Europa? I Nachgefragt zu KI
Health 03/04/2025 11:38 Explanation or Presentation Video Die Auswirkungen von Alkohol auf den Blutdruck: Der Rotwein-Mythos im Lichte neuer Forschungsergebnisse
Technology 02/13/2025 10:24 Explanation or Presentation Video Zukunft der Logistik mit KI und Drohnennetzwerken: AI4Drone & SIDDA:
2 12.03.2025 11:00 Nicht nur auf Feldern: Flächendeckende Pestizidbelastung am Oberrhein von der Ebene bis in Höhenlagen nachgewiesen
3 27.02.2025 15:55 „Transformationsmanagement in Organisationen“: Hochschule Biberach startet neuen berufsbegleitenden MBA-Studiengang
6 07.03.2025 14:54 Quantenpower zum Weltfrauentag – Ausstellung RETHINKING PHYSICS in den Technischen Sammlungen Dresden
7 03/04/2025 16:44 New high-performance mirrors for laser fusion: New SHARP research project launched
8 07.03.2025 16:33 Introversion als Stärke: HSBI-Studentin zeigt mit Comic-Sachbuch, warum es gut ist, introvertiert zu sein
Technology 03/14/2025 12:38 Research results, Scientific Publications Spin excitations in olympicene-based antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg chains
Society & Culture 03/13/2025 09:04 Research results, Scientific Publications International study: Material grievances a stronger breeding ground for extremism than political beliefs
Health 03/14/2025 14:15 Research projects LIT scientists receive grant for research projects focused on generating T stem cell memory (TSCM) cells
Health Dieter Schwarz Foundation provides long-term funding for application-oriented basic research and innovative talent pool
Earth & Life 03/14/2025 13:32 Research results Tool identifies specific viruses to combat dangerous bacteria
Economics & Politics 03/13/2025 12:30 Transfer of Science or Research A turning point for the German economy?
Economics & Politics Kiel Institute Spring Forecast: Special Fund Would Give the Economy a Strong Boost
Interdisciplinary 03/12/2025 17:44 Personnel announcements Ursula Staudinger re-elected as Rector of TUD – Confirmation by the Extended Senate in the first ballot